For timely delivery, place Easter orders by April 8th!
For timely delivery, place Easter orders by April 8th!
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Our History

Mrs. Hanes' posing with cookies next to an antique wood stove.

I remember as a child, lying beside my mother's wood stove as she baked Moravian cookies. The craft of making the cookies was brought from Germany by the early Moravian settlers. At age 5, I began helping my mother (Bertha Crouch Foltz) make cookies at Christmas to supplement the family income received from our small dairy farm.

In 1960, my mother's health failed, and I took over the baking. By word of mouth the business grew and the reputation of our unique, thin, high quality cookies has spread around the world. We ship to all 50 states and to over 30 foreign countries.

Now we have over 90,000 mail-order customers and we continue to grow about 10% a year. While our business has grown steadily, our method of making the cookies remains the same. Every cookie is rolled, cut, and packed by hand. The flavor is literally rolled into the cookie. This is a costly method but the only way we can maintain the high quality and delightfully different taste. Our skilled workers take pride in their work.

Our business is a family endeavor. I am the seventh generation of Moravian cookie makers. My husband Travis and I have been followed in the business by our daughter, Mona Hanes Templin and our son, Mike Hanes. The ninth generation is awaiting on the sidelines in the form of our grandchildren.

Being a family business, our pride in our product is personal as is the concern and care we give each order. Because of this concern, quality service is maintained. Our first product was the Moravian Sugar Crisps Cookie. This old family recipe has been handed down for generations. Our customers say, "It is truly a cookie with a personality."

We also make Moravian Ginger Crisps. This type of Ginger cookie has long been a local Christmas favorite. We have applied our experience learned in baking Sugar Crisps and have produced a spicy, paper thin, delicious cookie. In addition, we make Moravian Lemon Crisps, Moravian Chocolate Crisps, Moravian Butterscotch Cookies and Moravian Black Walnut Cookies.

Our goal in not to be the biggest, but to be the best cookie makers in the world.
Come by and visit our bakery. Group tours are given January through October.
Call for more information.

—Evva Hanes