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Family Letter 1997

Dear Customer,
    It seems the older I get, the faster time flies. I cannot believe another year has past. What a wonderful year it has been. We feel so blessed as a a family to be able to work together in such a pleasurable business. This past year our bakery was honored to have the Associated Press pick-up an article on our company. It appeared in newspapers all over the United States. We would like to thank all our many customers who sent us a copy. We were very pleased by that article but equally as gratifying were the nice comments received from you. One lady seemed to sum it up by saying: "I felt like I was reading about my own family business. I excitedly called out to my husband, "Hey! My cookie company is written up in our newspaper"! This is what our company is all about. We really do try to make our service as unique and "down home" as our cookies. My daughter Mona sometimes jokes that she can tell your a customer's name just be looking at their handwiring!"
    Travis and I have "officially" retired this year. But don't let that worry you. We are still around. To be honest, Mike & Mona have handled most of the business for quite a while. My children sometimes joke that I'm afraid I'll blow up the world if I touch a computer. But I'm getting over that fear because I am finally typing up my cook book. Now that I'm retired, maybe I'll get it done.
    Well, let's see, what other news do I have? Granddaughter Madison (and her teachers) survived kindergarten. Grandson Jedidiah will begin middle school next year. Soon Jed will be answering the phone and taking your order. (Of course, it would be helpful if he improves his handwriting first!)
    Travis and I are rather proud of a recent achievement. At the age of sixty-three, we successfully walked down and walked back up, the grand Canyon. We "just did it" as the commercial says. It was quite a challenge, but well worth the effort. Actually, it was a family endeavor. My two sons, Mike and Johnathan, daughter-in-law, Sheila and grandson, Jedidiah all made the trip. Daughter Mona stayed home to take care of the business. However, don't feel sorry for her. She says she faces enough challenges in real life. On vacation, she simply wants to rest.
    Well, so long until next year! (Which will be here before you know it!) Please keep sending your letters. We love to read them and have many posted on our bulletin board here at our bakery.

Until next year, take care and God bless!

    Evva Hanes, President

Hanes family photo, September 1997
Evva Hanes-President; Travis Hanes-Vice President;
Mike Hanes-Treasurer; Ramona Hanes Templin-Vice President;
Jedidiah Hanes Templin-Chief Cookie Taster and Sales Dept. Trainee;
Madison Hanes Templin-Ramona's Boss and Assistant Cookie Taster;
Mocha Hanes (the dog) Head of Security.

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